Social Studies
Me on the Map - Geography
-Read a letter-number grid
-Use a letter-number grid
-Read and use a map - Cardinal Directions, Compass Rose and Symbols
-Identify and name continents and oceans
-Identify and name Major U.S. cities
-Identify and compare urban, suburban and rural areas.
Labor Day
Columbus Day
Day Light Savings Time - Fall & Spring
Presidents Day - George Washington & Abraham Lincoln
Martin Luther King Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day - July 4th
Election Day - Learning about democracy through a class voting activity.
Veteran's Day - What is a veteran? What do we have a Veteran's Day? Discussion of the Armed Forces and gratitude of living in a peaceful country.
American symbols, landmarks, and monuments
Identify American symbols, landmarks and monuments, such as: the American Flag, White House, Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, Statue of Liberty, Mount Rushmore, Empire State Building and the Golden Gate Bridge.
-Natural Resources
-Good and Services
-Producers and Consumers
Historical Figures
Benjamin Franklin
Thomas Jefferson
Abraham Lincoln
Fredrick Douglas
Susan B. Anthony
Thomas Edison
Theodore Roosevelt
Amelia Earhart
Helen Keller
Neil Armstrong
Thomas Sowell
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